Thursday, 2 April 2020

Production Title Analysis

Our title for the production is "Reagent" a reagent is is a substance or compound that is added to a system in order to bring about a chemical reaction, or added to see if a reaction occurs. If we where to continue this film, the storyline could be that he is in a simulator and is not yet awaere of it or that this event is a life changing factor in his live.

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Production Task Logistics

Logistics report
Main) Harris Rodgers

(Attacker) Arran Rodgers

Location, setting:
St Nicholas at Wade Village, Down Barton Road, Bridges Close, Bell Meadow 

Old Kent Barn, St Nicholas-at-Wade
Equipment being used:
Nokia Lumia 1020
cannon d600
Misce en scene/ Props: 
Prop Gun
Attackers Mask (White Skin Mask/ Wire Mesh Mask Combo)

Old Samsung Phone

Old Iron & Ironing Board
Visual Effects
 Black and White
Muzzle flash/Gun Flask & Gun Shot Sound Effect
Date of filming:
Scene 1 (Running Sequence) 01/02/2014
Scene 2 (Fighting Sequence) 15/02/2014

Scene 1 and Scene 2 01/03/2014
Shots of Location

Shots During Production